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Planescape: Torment
Cette page en Français   Genre : Role-Playing Game  
Last update: 06/16/2014   Year : 2000  
Source: Chordian  Franchise : - 


1: Start
52.2 kb
2: The Hive
78.5 kb
3: Ragpicker's Square
106 kb
4: Smoldering Corpse Bar
128 kb
5: Nameless One is a Mage
166 kb
6: Trash Warrens
177 kb
7: Buried Village
183 kb
8: Weeping Stone Catacombs
201 kb
9: Warrens of Thought
225 kb
10: Dead Nations Catacombs
239 kb
11: Drowned Nations Catacombs
247 kb
12: Annah Joined
255 kb
13: Tenement of Thugs
262 kb
14: Alley of Lingering Sighs
267 kb
15: Lower Ward
284 kb
16: Great Foundry
304 kb
17: Nameless One is a Godsman
318 kb
18: Bones of the Night
327 kb
19: The Siege Tower
324 kb
20: Clerk's Ward
341 kb
21: Fall-from-Grace Joined
374 kb
22: The Civic Festhall
387 kb
23: Ignus Joined
406 kb
24: Under Sigil
405 kb
25: Ignus Left
405 kb
26: Ready in Clerk's Ward
408 kb
27: Modron Foyer
411 kb
28: Nordom Joined
489 kb
29: Ravel's Maze
491 kb
30: Curst
507 kb
31: Curst Underground
538 kb
32: Curst Prison
553 kb
33: Outlands
560 kb
34: House of Fjhull
557 kb
35: Baator
561 kb
36: Pillar of Skulls
561 kb
37: Curst Revisited
569 kb
38: Carceri
577 kb
39: Administration Building
588 kb
40: Back in The Hive
589 kb
41: Back in Mortuary
590 kb
42: Fortress of Regrets
584 kb
43: Trial of Impulse
582 kb
44: Maze of Reflections
588 kb
45: Fortress Roof
592 kb
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File size : 18.1 Mb

About the savegames

Default folder : TORMENT\save\
Language : English
Difficulty level : -
Version of the game : 1.1
Third party software : -
Partners: Abandonware France - Chordian -

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