1: Beginning of the game |
 506 kb |
2: Arrival at the Skadovsk |
 540 kb |
3: Stalker hit |
 557 kb |
4: Approach to the substation workshop |
 577 kb |
5: Stingray 2 examined |
 577 kb |
6: Strange glow source found |
 613 kb |
7: Stingray 3 examined |
 594 kb |
8: Container found in stash |
 598 kb |
9: Bloodsucker lair |
 604 kb |
10: Stingray 5 examined |
 604 kb |
11: Approach to the waste processing station |
 605 kb |
12: Arrival at Yanov |
 636 kb |
13: Sent to Kopachy |
 660 kb |
14: Vanos debt repaid |
 680 kb |
15: Oasis found |
 689 kb |
16: Ransom paid for hostage |
 693 kb |
17: Stingray 1 examined |
 691 kb |
18: Hunting the chimera |
 722 kb |
19: Search for the psy-emission source |
 725 kb |
20: Administrative documents |
 736 kb |
21: Stingray 4 examined |
 741 kb |
22: Road to Pripyat found |
 752 kb |
23: Zulu joins the squad |
 762 kb |
24: Anomalous plant collected |
 771 kb |
25: Sokolov joins the squad |
 770 kb |
26: Vano joins the squad |
 773 kb |
27: Strider joins the squad |
 800 kb |
28: Squad assembled |
 806 kb |
29: Arrival in the underpass |
 796 kb |
30: Arrival in Pripyat |
 817 kb |
31: Military forces located |
 819 kb |
32: Unidentified weapon captured |
 825 kb |
33: Testing workshop accessed |
 837 kb |
34: Gauss rifle documentation found |
 835 kb |
35: Moving from Yanov to Zaton |
 850 kb |
36: Recon squad found |
 849 kb |
37: Reinforcements arrived |
 848 kb |
38: Moving from Pripyat to Zaton |
 857 kb |
39: Moving from Zaton to Yanov |
 886 kb |
40: Missing sentry found |
 852 kb |
41: Controller near sentry killed |
 853 kb |
42: Emission |
 855 kb |
43: Antenna examined |
 871 kb |
44: Operation one shot initiated |
 870 kb |
45: Moving from Pripyat to Yanov |
 871 kb |
46: Moving from Yanov to Pripyat |
 878 kb |
47: Moving from Pripyat to X8 |
 864 kb |
48: Moving from X8 to Pripyat |
 868 kb |
49: Dead fighter found |
 869 kb |
50: Entry to the kindergarten |
 868 kb |
51: Military medic rescued |
 867 kb |
52: Established communications with HQ |
 890 kb |
53: Pripyat evacuation initiated |
 890 kb |
54: Evacuation helicopters reached |
 905 kb |
55: Evacuation helicopter take-off |
 905 kb |