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S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl
Cette page en Français   Genre : First Person Shooter  
Last update: 04/05/2014   Year : 2007  
Source: Chordian  Franchise : S.T.A.L.K.E.R.  


1: Start
794 kb
2: Have flash drive
801 kb
3: North of bridge
837 kb
4: First trader again
850 kb
5: Next level
850 kb
6: Back at first trader
880 kb
7: Mod for 500 kg added
874 kb
8: Agroprom
884 kb
9: Back up from sewers
903 kb
10: Better suit
905 kb
11: Need the stash
899 kb
12: Found the stash
894 kb
13: Steal the documents
899 kb
14: Back in garbage
911 kb
15: At the bar
931 kb
16: Quests now 10 days
950 kb
17: Army warehouses
968 kb
18: Wild territory
976 kb
19: Kruglov
986 kb
20: Delivered the family rifle
1007 kb
21: Got the storming Obokan
982 kb
22: Dark valley
999 kb
23: Going in
1015 kb
24: Underground lab
1.01 Mb
25: Past code locked door
1.01 Mb
26: Past second code locked door
1.01 Mb
27: Out of dark valley
1014 kb
28: Visited the bar again
1.02 Mb
29: Yantar
1.01 Mb
30: Done the measurements
1.02 Mb
31: X16 laboratory
1.02 Mb
32: Timer sequence completed
1.03 Mb
33: Visited the bar again
1.05 Mb
34: Got a job from the duty leader
1.04 Mb
35: Collected jobs from freedom
1.06 Mb
36: Freedom has been eliminated
1.08 Mb
37: Red forest
1.07 Mb
38: Bunker
1.09 Mb
39: Inside
1.09 Mb
40: Activated the machine
1.10 Mb
41: Pripyat
1.13 Mb
42: Going down
1.15 Mb
43: Chernobyl NPP
1.16 Mb
44: Down under
1.19 Mb
45: Finding the wish granter
1.19 Mb
46: Make a wish
1.19 Mb
47: Back to find locked door
1.19 Mb
48: Used the gauss gun drop trick
1.19 Mb
49: Unexpected new level
1.20 Mb
50: Weird blue circle
1.20 Mb
51: Outside
1.20 Mb
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File size : 54.5 Mb

About the savegames

Default folder : STALKER\savedgames\
Language : English
Difficulty level : -
Version of the game : 1.0006
Third party software : -
Partners: Abandonware France - Chordian -

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