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Call of Cthulhu: Shadow of the Comet
Cette page en Français   Genre : Adventure  
Last update: 12/14/2008   Year : 1993  
Source: PC Savegames  Franchise : L'Appel de Cthulhu  


1: Arrival at Illsmouth
1.98 kb
2: Outside Cobbles' house
2.23 kb
3: The pharmacy
2.27 kb
4: Bishop's house
2.27 kb
5: Myer's store
2.31 kb
6: Jugg's house
2.40 kb
7: Boleskine's map
2.43 kb
8: The Dead Horse Inn
2.46 kb
9: Rendezvous with Webster
2.46 kb
10: Secret celebration
2.51 kb
11: Escaped from Nackaramous
2.53 kb
12: Developing my photos
2.55 kb
13: Jugg's library
2.59 kb
14: The post office
2.59 kb
15: The town hall
2.64 kb
16: Hambleton's deposit note
2.64 kb
17: Disguised as Wilbur
2.66 kb
18: On top of the lighthouse
2.68 kb
19: The cemetery
2.66 kb
20: Under the earth
2.73 kb
21: The four tiles
2.75 kb
22: The nine tiles
2.73 kb
23: The cemetery guardians
2.77 kb
24: Tyler's house
2.76 kb
25: Coldstone's house
2.77 kb
26: Arlington's house
2.78 kb
27: To catch a cat
2.76 kb
28: Hambleton's house
2.77 kb
29: The ruins
2.78 kb
30: The observatory
2.78 kb
31: The altar
2.80 kb
32: 3rd day
2.81 kb
33: Meeting Underhouse
2.80 kb
34: Meeting Bishop
2.82 kb
35: Curtis' body
2.82 kb
36: The stump
2.80 kb
37: After Natawanga
2.82 kb
38: Down the well
2.78 kb
39: The cave
2.81 kb
40: Nackaramous' death
2.87 kb
41: The docks
2.86 kb
42: The island
2.86 kb
43: Puzzle solved
2.85 kb
44: Monster killed
2.87 kb
45: Through the cave
2.86 kb
46: Hostages
2.88 kb
47: The Websters are saved
2.90 kb
48: The sacrificial area
2.90 kb
49: The device is ready
2.88 kb
50: The last stone
2.88 kb
51: To the dock
2.89 kb
Download all the savegames
File size : 113 kb

About the savegames

Default folder : COMET\
Language : French
Difficulty level : By default
Version of the game : Retail
Third party software : DOSBox
Partners: Abandonware France - Chordian -

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