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Dark Seed
Cette page en Français   Genre : Adventure  
Last update: 12/26/2010   Year : 1994  
Source: PC Savegames  Franchise : Dark Seed  


1: First steps in the house
748 bytes
2: My desk
790 bytes
3: Secret passage in the office
799 bytes
4: A parcel left under the porch
813 bytes
5: Found a watch in the attic
833 bytes
6: The garage
844 bytes
7: The safe in the attic opened
856 bytes
8: Woodland Hills
868 bytes
9: Bought a bottle of scotch
885 bytes
10: Important message in the library
900 bytes
11: The graveyard
909 bytes
12: Door of the mausoleum opened
918 bytes
13: Door of the clock opened
915 bytes
14: Second day
916 bytes
15: Got the missing part of the mirror
923 bytes
16: On the other side of the mirror
931 bytes
17: Exterior platform in the Dark World
942 bytes
18: Found a shovel in the Dark World
941 bytes
19: John McKeegan's tomb digged in
955 bytes
20: Imprisoned in the police cell
961 bytes
21: Free, thanks to Delbert's card
960 bytes
22: Playing fetch with the dog-like creature in the Dark World
969 bytes
23: Imprisoned once again in the Dark World
960 bytes
24: Belt of invisibility
972 bytes
25: Got a microfilm with the parchments keeper
983 bytes
26: Back in the real world
977 bytes
27: Third day
971 bytes
28: Reading the microfilm
976 bytes
29: Second parcel
983 bytes
30: Found the keys in the basement
984 bytes
31: Alien energy source
983 bytes
32: The telephone rang
981 bytes
33: The car is started up
1000 bytes
34: Control center
1000 bytes
35: Destroying the mirror
991 bytes
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File size : 13.3 kb

About the savegames

Default folder : DARKSEED\
Language : French
Difficulty level : By default
Version of the game : Retail
Third party software : DOSBox
Partners: Abandonware France - Chordian -

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