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Dead Mountaineer's Hotel
Cette page en Français   Genre : Adventure  
Last update: 01/11/2017   Year : 2009  
Source: PC Savegames  Franchise : - 


1: Arrival at the hotel
198 kb
2: The bedroom of the dead mountaineer
138 kb
3: In my bedroom
140 kb
4: Talking with Simonet
166 kb
5: In the hallway
159 kb
6: The kitchen
156 kb
7: The garage door opened
170 kb
8: Communications system repaired
115 kb
9: A little nap after the lunch
165 kb
10: The bathroom is empty
142 kb
11: Got the master key for Hincus' bedroom
141 kb
12: Got the Cutty Spark scotch for Hincus
158 kb
13: Meeting with everybody in the dining room
150 kb
14: A new visitor
155 kb
15: Hincus is scared
129 kb
16: Looking for Simonet
161 kb
17: Luarwick wants to see Simonet
149 kb
18: I give the suitcase to Luarwick (Ending 1)
160 kb
19: Everybody has been questioned
132 kb
20: Generator repaired
148 kb
21: The radio room
150 kb
22: Alec's safe is open
150 kb
23: Decyphered the dead mountaineer's portrait
169 kb
24: I need to talk to Hincus
146 kb
25: Hincus told me everything
141 kb
26: A talk with Du Barnstocre (Ending 2)
171 kb
27: I kept the suitcase once again (Ending 3)
159 kb
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File size : 4.05 Mb

About the savegames

Default folder : My documents\ElectronicParadise\Hotel\SaveGame\
Language : French
Difficulty level : By default
Version of the game : Retail
Third party software : -
Partners: Abandonware France - Chordian -

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