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Delaware St. John: Volume 3: The Seacliff Tragedy
Cette page en Français   Genre : Adventure  
Last update: 07/29/2016   Year : 2007  
Source: PC Savegames  Franchise : Delaware St. John  


1: Arrival in the theme park
2.86 kb
2: First encounter
2.99 kb
3: The basement of Krandall's house
3.02 kb
4: Inside the house
3.00 kb
5: Krandall's bedroom
2.99 kb
6: Playing as Kelly
2.98 kb
7: Access to the rollercoaster
2.94 kb
8: Sawed the padlock
2.98 kb
9: In the sewers
2.88 kb
10: Out of the sewers
2.92 kb
11: Acting as Delaware
2.93 kb
12: Won the cans shooting game
2.94 kb
13: The funhouse
2.94 kb
14: Out of the clown maze
2.88 kb
15: Switching with Kelly
2.90 kb
1: To the rollercoaster
2.86 kb
2: Got a symbol from Rose
2.99 kb
3: A fuse is missing
3.02 kb
4: Escaped the beast in the tunnel
3.00 kb
5: Found a fuse
2.99 kb
6: Found another fuse
2.98 kb
7: Opened the coded case
2.94 kb
8: Unstuck the door in the tunnel
2.98 kb
9: Power is on on the rollercoaster
2.88 kb
10: Back as Delaware
2.92 kb
11: The horse race
2.93 kb
12: Locker 16
2.94 kb
13: The Tunnel of Terror
2.94 kb
14: Cindy's bracelet
2.88 kb
15: Found the dart
2.90 kb
16: Found the ball
3.13 kb
17: Found the beanbag
3.26 kb
18: Give the bracelet to Cindy
3.28 kb
19: The key to the shed padlock
3.33 kb
20: Breaking the door
3.34 kb
21: Elevator down in the tunnel
3.33 kb
22: Got the key
3.41 kb
23: Undergound tunnel
3.35 kb
24: Fleeing from Robert
3.30 kb
25: Final confrontation
3.29 kb
Download all the savegames
File size : 104 kb

About the savegames

Default folder : Lighthouse Interactive\Delaware St John\Volume 3\
Language : English
Difficulty level : By default
Version of the game : Retail
Third party software : -
Partners: Abandonware France - Chordian -

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