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Dracula: Origin
Cette page en Français   Genre : Adventure  
Last update: 07/05/2009   Year : 2008  
Source: LFP  Franchise : Dracula  


1: To Mina's
16.5 kb
2: Godalming manor
76.6 kb
3: In front of J.B. Lemon's mausoleum
63.8 kb
4: Inscription on the mausoleum cleaned
77.3 kb
5: In the tool shed
74.2 kb
6: Inscription on the guardian's tomb readable
76.7 kb
7: The 4 puzzles of the martyred angels solved
70.4 kb
8: Secret passageway in the opened tomb
77.7 kb
9: In the cellar of the manor
186 kb
10: Hendrik is eating
220 kb
11: Ready to solve the safe puzzle in the living room
245 kb
12: The safe of the living room opened
245 kb
13: On the worktable with all required parts
245 kb
14: The key put together
246 kb
15: Dracula's bedroom
329 kb
16: Back to Mina's to save her
359 kb
17: Arrival at Cairo
391 kb
18: Cairo's museum
502 kb
19: Looking for the 7 pyramids once the director's quest is done
502 kb
20: The museum is searched,
502 kb
21: Camels healed at Blood Rocks
515 kb
22: The rope is set to go down the pit
515 kb
23: Out from the trap
517 kb
24: After the incident at the museum
517 kb
25: At the Turk's house
518 kb
26: The snake is knocked out
518 kb
27: Coptic objects retrieved and papyrus uncrypted at the museum
519 kb
28: Ready to give a bottle of pure water to Herodotus
520 kb
29: The cross door opened
517 kb
30: The pond turn into sand
522 kb
31: The small boat cast off
522 kb
32: The last room of the tomb
521 kb
33: The chest opened
653 kb
34: All demons and angels retrieved
664 kb
35: The chest of the abbey opened
681 kb
36: Confrontation with a monk
697 kb
37: Monks of the satanic chapel having their breakfast
717 kb
38: At the Transylvania inn
744 kb
39: The stable
745 kb
40: Ready to let the wine flow from the barrel
745 kb
41: Arrival at the castle
829 kb
42: The coachman controlled
829 kb
43: The crypt opened
836 kb
44: The great hall after the crypt
859 kb
45: Shields cupboard opened
871 kb
46: Pelor shield identified
872 kb
47: Jada's bedroom
888 kb
48: Location of the Dracula's demonic ritual
909 kb
49: Ready to fight the most famous vampire ?
917 kb
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File size : 23.6 Mb

About the savegames

Default folder : C:\Documents and
Language : French
Difficulty level : By default
Version of the game : Retail
Third party software : -
Partners: Abandonware France - Chordian -

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