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Catalog *.* 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream
Cette page en Français   Genre : Adventure  
Last update: 03/19/2016   Year : 1995  
Source: Chordian  Franchise : - 


1: Monitors
17.6 kb
2: Castle
19.4 kb
3: Door fixed
18.6 kb
4: Fixed the oven
18.2 kb
5: Witch sleeps
19.3 kb
6: Maid room
18.4 kb
7: Got the mirror
17.5 kb
8: Ellen is saved
18.3 kb
9: Scientist
18.6 kb
10: Ovens room
16.5 kb
11: Jar of eyes
17.4 kb
12: Escaping
18.4 kb
13: Golem
19.2 kb
14: Benny
18.0 kb
15: Gave child food
25.0 kb
16: Regurgitated
21.5 kb
17: Must find head
21.5 kb
18: Boy now has doll
21.7 kb
19: Holding bag
21.5 kb
20: Bag buried
21.6 kb
21: Ellen by pyramid
25.9 kb
22: Secret passage
23.0 kb
23: Wave the gem
19.2 kb
24: Cup of water
18.0 kb
25: Got ROM chip
20.8 kb
26: Sarcophagus
18.3 kb
27: Beat yellow man
19.6 kb
28: Waterfall talk
20.8 kb
29: Chaos trebler on
20.8 kb
30: Gorrister
17.5 kb
31: Got many things
15.7 kb
32: Through tear
17.7 kb
33: Got the heart
15.7 kb
34: Finally landed
17.1 kb
35: Talking Jackal
22.8 kb
36: Meat hooks
19.2 kb
37: Harry
19.3 kb
38: Used magnifier
18.0 kb
39: Another key
18.5 kb
40: Heart back again
18.9 kb
41: Tied up Edna
19.2 kb
42: Buried Glynis
22.7 kb
43: Ted in end game
19.2 kb
44: Gargoyle pillar
18.8 kb
45: Ellen in end game
18.3 kb
46: Power is lower
18.7 kb
47: Nim in end game
19.2 kb
48: Bridge extended
18.7 kb
49: Power lowered
19.4 kb
50: Talking to Ego
18.9 kb
51: All faces fused
18.8 kb
Download all the savegames
File size : 974 kb

About the savegames

Default folder : IHNMAIMS\SAVES\
Language : English
Difficulty level : By default
Version of the game : Retail
Third party software : Steam
Partners: Abandonware France - Chordian -

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