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Lost in Time: Parts 1 and 2
Cette page en Français   Genre : Adventure  
Last update: 07/19/2009   Year : 1993  
Source: PC Savegames  Franchise : Lost in Time  


1: Right hold CALE DROIT
70.3 kb
2: Dried hold CALE SECHE
70.3 kb
3: Got back knife COUTEAU
70.3 kb
4: Access to the steerage ENTREPONT
70.3 kb
5: The manor CHATEAU
70.3 kb
6: Lock on the gate CADENAS
70.3 kb
7: Inside the garden JARDIN
70.3 kb
8: The panoramic viewpoint BELVEDERE
70.3 kb
9: Inside the vault CAVEAU
70.3 kb
10: Near the fireplace in the manor MAISON
70.3 kb
11: Inside the crypt CRYPTE
70.3 kb
12: Lighthouse cellar window broken SOUPIRAIL
70.3 kb
13: Hose hooked on both ends TUYAU
70.3 kb
14: Lighthouse lantern LANTERNE
70.3 kb
15: The gate of the vault GRILLE
70.3 kb
16: Trunk of the crypt opened MALLE
70.3 kb
17: Filling of the well PUITS
70.3 kb
18: Gate opened and boat repaired GRILLE
70.3 kb
19: The beach after the shipwreck PLAGE
70.3 kb
20: A fire in the hearth MAISON
70.3 kb
21: In the hold of the shipwreck CALE
70.3 kb
22: Last club hit FIN
70.3 kb
23: Back in the Briscarde ENTREPONT
55.3 kb
24: Captain Philibert's cabin CAPITAINE
55.3 kb
25: The corridor CELLIER
55.3 kb
26: The storeroom CELLIER
55.3 kb
27: The beautiful door opened BUREAU
55.3 kb
28: The mysterious door opened RESERVE
55.3 kb
29: A secret passageway in the smoking room FUMOIR
55.3 kb
30: Galipo is in its cage CAPITAINE
55.3 kb
31: Got a gun CAPITAINE
55.3 kb
32: In the hold with Yoruba and Melchior CALE YORUB
55.3 kb
33: Teleportation on the island with Yoruba and Melchior PLAGE
55.3 kb
34: Makandal's hut MAKANDAL
55.3 kb
35: Délia's hut DELIA
55.3 kb
36: Back at Makandal's MAKANDAL
55.3 kb
37: At Sérapion's PROPRIETE
55.3 kb
38: Quiet sneak in in the kitchen CUISINE
55.3 kb
39: Getting rid of the snake CUISINE
55.3 kb
40: The end of Jarlath PRECIPICE
55.3 kb
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File size : 125 kb

About the savegames

Default folder : COKTEL\LOST\
Language : French
Difficulty level : By default
Version of the game : Retail
Third party software : DOSBox
Partners: Abandonware France - Chordian -

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