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Medal of Honor: Allied Assault
Cette page en Français   Genre : First Person Shooter  
Last update: 08/25/2005   Year : 2002  
Source: PC Savegames  Franchise : Medal of Honor  


1: Training
209 kb
2: Planting Explosives
210 kb
3: Briefing
4.24 kb
4: Rangers Lead the Way
213 kb
5: Rangers Lead the Way - Ride Gone Bad
260 kb
6: The Rescue Mission
298 kb
7: The Rescue Mission - SAS on the Warpath
301 kb
8: The Rescue Mission - Rescue Successful
285 kb
9: The Rescue Mission - Fortress Infiltration
278 kb
10: The Rescue Mission - Goods grabbed gone
300 kb
11: Sabotage the Motorpool
320 kb
12: Sabotage the Motorpool - Tank garage
279 kb
13: Sabotage the Motorpool - Ammo storage
310 kb
14: Sabotage the Motorpool - Exfiltration
312 kb
15: Lighting the Torch - Desert Road
165 kb
16: Briefing
8.59 kb
17: Secret Documents of the Kriegsmarine
219 kb
18: Secret Documents of the Kriegsmarine - Inside the guard house
248 kb
19: Secret Documents... - Research Building Entrance
206 kb
20: Secret Documents... - Upstairs in the Research Building
215 kb
21: Secret Documents... - Leaving the Research Building
221 kb
22: Scuttling the U-529 - Naxos Prototype
263 kb
23: Scuttling the U-529 - Entering the Pen
285 kb
24: Scuttling the U-529 - Inside the U-529
192 kb
25: Scuttling the U-529 - Cover Blown
155 kb
26: Escape from Trondheim
151 kb
27: Escape from Trondheim - Exiting the vent
187 kb
28: Escape from Trondheim - Dash for the train
237 kb
29: Briefing
9.12 kb
30: Omaha Beach - The Landing
270 kb
31: Omaha Beach - About to disembark
304 kb
32: Omaha Beach - The Landing
377 kb
33: Omaha Beach - Base of the Bunker
357 kb
34: Omaha Beach - Inside the Bunker
254 kb
35: Battle in the Bocage
330 kb
36: Battle in the Bocage - Defending the rear
316 kb
37: Battle in the Bocage - Leaving the house
349 kb
38: Battle in the Bocage - In the barn
281 kb
39: Battle in the Bocage - At the radio
338 kb
40: Battle in the Bocage - Near the first Flak 88
312 kb
41: Battle in the Bocage - Anti-aircraft gun
313 kb
42: The Nebelwerfer Hunt
326 kb
43: The Nebelwerfer Hunt - Paratroopers
352 kb
44: The Nebelwerfer Hunt - Tiger tank
284 kb
45: The Nebelwerfer Hunt - The Church
326 kb
46: The Nebelwerfer Hunt - Nebelwerfer field
344 kb
47: Briefing
9.79 kb
48: Rendezvous with the Resistance
198 kb
49: Rendezvous with the Resistance - Downed Plane
234 kb
50: Rendezvous with the Resistance - Road bend
233 kb
51: Rendezvous with the Resistance - Uphill battle
202 kb
52: Diverting the Enemy
331 kb
53: Diverting the Enemy - Railroad
364 kb
54: Diverting the Enemy - Tunnel
361 kb
55: Diverting the Enemy - Underground
305 kb
56: The Command Post
345 kb
57: The Command Post - Into the lion's den
358 kb
58: The Command Post - Battles unplanned
326 kb
59: The Command Post - Troops manifested
325 kb
60: The Command Post - Radio Free Manor house
299 kb
61: The Command Post - Plans Stolen
305 kb
62: The Command Post - Exfiltrating
322 kb
63: Briefing
8.61 kb
64: Sniper's Last Stand - Outskirts
314 kb
65: Sniper's Last Stand - Outskirts - Down pour
258 kb
66: Sniper's Last Stand - Outskirts - Scope soaked
220 kb
67: Sniper's Last Stand - Outskirts - Muddy depths
231 kb
68: Sniper's Last Stand - City Hall
320 kb
69: Sniper's Last Stand - City Hall - Panzer 'Oust
299 kb
70: Sniper's Last Stand - City Hall - Sniping from below
367 kb
71: Sniper's Last Stand - City Hall - Moving in on the King Tiger
388 kb
72: The Hunt for the King Tiger - Destroyed Village
361 kb
73: The Hunt for the King Tiger - Country Road
434 kb
74: The Bridge
374 kb
75: The Bridge - Sniping from on high
358 kb
76: Briefing
9.22 kb
77: The Siegfried Forest - Flak Guns
154 kb
78: The Siegfried Forest - First Flak 20
197 kb
79: The Siegfried Forest - Bunker Hill
164 kb
80: Die Sturmgewehr
303 kb
81: Die Sturmgewehr - Exfiltrating
326 kb
82: Die Sturmgewehr - Bunks
348 kb
83: The Communications Blackout
335 kb
84: The Schmerzen Express
243 kb
85: The Schmerzen Express - The Railroad tracks
223 kb
86: The Schmerzen Express - The Power Shed
272 kb
87: Storming Fort Schmerzen
282 kb
88: Storming Fort Schmerzen - Train Platform
293 kb
89: Storming Fort Schmerzen - Cargo hold
321 kb
90: Storming Fort Schmerzen - Jailbreak
352 kb
91: Storming Fort Schmerzen - Fuel flow unit
313 kb
92: Storming Fort Schmerzen - Fuel valve
253 kb
93: Storming Fort Schmerzen - Inner Facility
206 kb
94: Storming Fort Schmerzen - Chemical Plant
178 kb
95: Storming Fort Schmerzen - Final Run
316 kb
Download all the savegames
File size : 26.3 Mb

About the savegames

Default folder : MOHAA\main\save\unnamedsoldier\
Language : English
Difficulty level : Medium
Version of the game : 1.11
Third party software : -
Partners: Abandonware France - Chordian -

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