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Mortyr (2093-1944)
Cette page en Français   Genre : First Person Shooter  
Last update: 04/12/2004   Year : 1999  
Source: PC Savegames  Franchise : Mortyr  


1: The Outer Citadel
2: Through the Citadel
115 kb
3: The Middle Castle
173 kb
4: In the Middle of the Castle
149 kb
5: The Cathedral
112 kb
6: Darker Cathedral
56.8 kb
7: The Cemetery
155 kb
8: The High Castle - Imperial Theme
233 kb
9: The Castle Cathedral
304 kb
10: The Factory
178 kb
11: The Machine Park
76.9 kb
12: The Train Station
205 kb
13: U-Boat Bunker
527 kb
14: U-Boat Pen
125 kb
15: V2 Factory
140 kb
16: City Ruins
309 kb
17: The Duel
216 kb
18: The Time Machine
61.1 kb
19: The Future Time Machine
122 kb
20: Time Machine Facility
194 kb
21: Underground Channels
95.6 kb
22: The Sewers
214 kb
23: Kraftwerk
165 kb
24: Droid Factory
241 kb
25: Computing Center
232 kb
26: City in the Clouds
214 kb
27: The Spaceport
212 kb
28: Docking Bay 94
116 kb
29: The Flying Fortress
249 kb
Download all the savegames
File size : 5.07 Mb

About the savegames

Default folder : Mortyr\DATA\
Language : English
Difficulty level : Normal
Version of the game : Retail
Third party software : -
Partners: Abandonware France - Chordian -

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