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Nancy Drew: Ransom of the Seven Ships
Cette page en Français   Genre : Adventure  
Last update: 04/13/2015   Year : 2009  
Source: PC Savegames  Franchise : Nancy Drew  


1: Start
94.2 kb
2: Emitter repaired
100 kb
3: Key given by George
55.2 kb
4: Sail bin opened
82.4 kb
5: Battery filled
83.0 kb
6: Cliffs
90.3 kb
7: Primate Research Behavioral Center
99.3 kb
8: Won at colored squares against monkey
102 kb
9: The Blue Hole puzzle
100 kb
10: Won at red token game
103 kb
11: Meet Johnny Rolle
104 kb
12: Dead man's chest
77.1 kb
13: Pulleys puzzle solved
88.9 kb
14: Diving supplies lock open
75.8 kb
15: El Toro messages decyphered
97.5 kb
16: Compass won
104 kb
17: Got the metal detector
105 kb
18: Ready to set sail
113 kb
19: Found the Caridad treasure
93.2 kb
20: Treasure open
99.2 kb
21: Got the battery
109 kb
22: El Toro's diary decoded
98.0 kb
23: Waterhouse's leaf nosed bats cave
70.3 kb
24: Find another treasure in the bat cave
30.9 kb
25: Playing as George
106 kb
26: Entrance of the cave blocked
97.1 kb
27: Slider puzzle
110 kb
28: Saved by George
78.0 kb
29: Got the perch
88.0 kb
30: A driver's licence
93.2 kb
31: The highest point on the island
76.9 kb
32: Find a ball for the monkeys
91.8 kb
33: Monkeys gone
76.4 kb
34: Dove Island
92.2 kb
35: Playing as George
107 kb
36: Got the coin back from the monkeys
112 kb
37: Atocha date solved
96.9 kb
38: Got rid of the octopus
87.6 kb
39: Got the ant medallion
84.8 kb
40: Found a rabbit coin
92.2 kb
41: Found a dove coin
101 kb
42: Found Bess' bracelet
99.7 kb
43: Found a donkey coin
100 kb
44: Collection of coins
102 kb
45: The owl medallion
100 kb
46: Got some glowsticks
111 kb
47: Medallions puzzle solved
91.6 kb
48: El Toro's treasure
85.3 kb
49: Giving the map to Johnny
107 kb
50: Trapped underground with Bess
67.6 kb
51: El Toro's hideout
77.9 kb
52: Bull picture opened
92.2 kb
53: Safe revealed
80.6 kb
54: El Toro's treasure
89.0 kb
55: El Toro's key on star-shaped lock
87.3 kb
Download all the savegames
File size : 4.92 Mb

About the savegames

Default folder : My documents\Ransom of the Seven Ships\
Language : English
Difficulty level : Senior Detective
Version of the game : Retail
Third party software : -
Partners: Abandonware France - Chordian -

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