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Nancy Drew: Secret of the Old Clock
Cette page en Français   Genre : Adventure  
Last update: 05/03/2009   Year : 2006  
Source: PC Savegames  Franchise : Nancy Drew  


1: Arrival at the Lilac Inn
2.49 kb
2: Jewelry stolen after stove fire
3.34 kb
3: Clock puzzle solved
3.05 kb
4: Bard Bounce game won
4.08 kb
5: Jim Archer's bank
4.36 kb
6: Tidying up nuts and bolts
4.67 kb
7: Going fishing
4.81 kb
8: Topham Paranormal School
6.15 kb
9: Memory game solved
5.39 kb
10: Jim Archer's clock opened
5.21 kb
11: Miniature golf
5.42 kb
12: Red pony won
5.37 kb
13: Carriage lock open
5.31 kb
14: Fourth mirror in big tick tock found
5.33 kb
15: Mirrors placed in the barn
5.36 kb
16: Stairs to the upper floor found
5.41 kb
17: 19 inches large-mouth bass caught
5.86 kb
18: Josiah's trivet
6.25 kb
19: Underground passage at Lilac Inn
5.59 kb
20: Creepy's Corner puzzle solved
5.66 kb
21: Josiah's blank crystal earned
7.14 kb
22: Pies sorted
5.87 kb
23: Dress sewed
5.75 kb
24: Josiah's journal
5.86 kb
25: Secret passage behind Emily's room
6.14 kb
26: Josiah's Journal unlocked
5.94 kb
27: Sneaking in Topham's house
6.27 kb
28: Unlocking the clock in the barn
6.54 kb
29: Clock unlocked
6.38 kb
30: Boardgame won
6.50 kb
31: Another safe deposit box key
6.43 kb
32: Clara Pickford safe deposit box
6.26 kb
33: Car chasing with the culprit
6.32 kb
34: The end
6.36 kb
Download all the savegames
File size : 166 kb

About the savegames

Default folder : Nancy Drew\Secret of the Old Clock\
Language : English
Difficulty level : Senior Detective
Version of the game : Retail
Third party software : -
Partners: Abandonware France - Chordian -

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