1: Charles Bridge |
 56.7 kb |
2: Barbora's apartment complex |
 65.8 kb |
3: The attic |
 40.7 kb |
4: Central City Archive |
 66.1 kb |
5: Barbora's office |
 58.1 kb |
6: Central City bureau side |
 62.8 kb |
7: The secretary left her office |
 62.9 kb |
8: Military plant |
 63.9 kb |
9: Military plant by night |
 60.3 kb |
10: In the shed |
 57.0 kb |
11: The underground tunnel |
 50.2 kb |
12: After the steel door |
 29.4 kb |
13: The light is on |
 59.9 kb |
14: Secret door opened |
 65.4 kb |
15: Safe keys found |
 66.8 kb |
16: Safe opened |
 58.6 kb |
17: Hotel in Paris |
 54.6 kb |
18: Second meeting with François |
 53.6 kb |
19: Bound to a pipe |
 58.1 kb |
20: Unbound from the pipe |
 58.0 kb |
21: François is dead |
 65.1 kb |
22: François' safe is opened |
 63.1 kb |
23: Back at the hotel |
 68.4 kb |
24: Martin enters the hotel by the rear entrance |
 63.8 kb |
25: No one in the hotel |
 64.5 kb |
26: Opening the case with the second statuette |
 64.5 kb |
27: Arrival in Mexico |
 56.9 kb |
28: Rosie's place |
 60.6 kb |
29: A night with George |
 63.7 kb |
30: The Temple of Dawn |
 67.7 kb |
31: The colored marbles puzzle |
 56.9 kb |
32: Colored marbles puzzle solved |
 57.1 kb |
33: Back to the temple by night with Pedro |
 55.6 kb |
34: Martin goes down under the Temple |
 32.7 kb |
35: Gold tile puzzle |
 66.2 kb |
36: Gold tile puzzle solved |
 47.5 kb |
37: Death sign door opened |
 58.8 kb |
38: Trap deactivated |
 64.2 kb |
39: The King lost temple |
 58.2 kb |
40: Last puzzle solved |
 56.0 kb |