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Nostradamus: The Last Prophecy
Cette page en Français   Genre : Adventure  
Last update: 01/25/2009   Year : 2007  
Source: PC Savegames  Franchise : - 


1: Nostradamus' house
172 kb
2: The coloring cream is ready
200 kb
3: Catherine de Médicis' astrological chart done
204 kb
4: Going out of Nostradamus' house
212 kb
5: Meeting the Queen
210 kb
6: The library
165 kb
7: The metal part is forged
205 kb
8: The bread-kneading machin is repaired
206 kb
9: The loafs of bread are almost ready
223 kb
10: Library cleaned
170 kb
11: The jam is cooked
224 kb
12: Brother Philibert's corpse
174 kb
13: Brother Philibert's locker visited
197 kb
14: Visiting Chavigny's bedroom as César
196 kb
15: Mandrake chase
145 kb
16: Hypnosis stage
189 kb
17: The observatory
187 kb
FRIDAY, MARCH 29, 1566
18: Waking up
177 kb
19: Impression of Chavigny's bedroom key
172 kb
20: Waiting for my key at the blacksmith
211 kb
21: Copy of the key is done
199 kb
22: A guard murdered
195 kb
23: Meeting Constance
225 kb
24: César's chest locked
177 kb
25: The solar return machine
203 kb
26: Henri of Navarre's chart done
195 kb
27: Saturday, March 30, 1566
200 kb
28: The hidden room in the scriptorium
172 kb
29: César's chest opened
210 kb
30: Aphrodisiac potion prepared
227 kb
31: Constance interrogated
204 kb
32: Underground passage under the scriptorium
156 kb
33: The underground gallery has collapsed
197 kb
34: Sword straightened out
210 kb
35: Symbols translated
178 kb
36: The scribe is dead
229 kb
37: Observatory set for Nostradamus
151 kb
SUNDAY, MARCH 31, 1566
38: Sunday, March 31, 1566
182 kb
39: Constance is dead
208 kb
40: Back in Chavigny's bedroom
217 kb
41: Meeting the Queen Mother
235 kb
42: Chasing the assassin
226 kb
43: Poisoned by the scribe
206 kb
44: Pentagram solved
195 kb
45: Columns puzzle solved
181 kb
46: Ray of light all set
129 kb
47: Treasure room opened
165 kb
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File size : 8.90 Mb

About the savegames

Default folder : Nostradamus\Users\Profile1\
Language : English
Difficulty level : By default
Version of the game : Retail
Third party software : -
Partners: Abandonware France - Chordian -

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