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Catalog *.* 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Cette page en Français   Genre : Adventure  
Last update: 10/21/2013   Year : 1996  
Source: Chordian  Franchise : - 


1: Start
1.88 kb
2: All lockers drained
1.91 kb
3: Tent site
1.90 kb
4: Savegame 4
1.89 kb
5: Cannon got one brick
1.91 kb
6: Through doorway
1.91 kb
7: No luck with 5 armed
1.91 kb
8: Shield?
1.90 kb
9: Danger in here?
1.89 kb
10: Savegame 10
1.89 kb
11: Savegame 11
1.89 kb
12: Inside
1.90 kb
13: Savegame 13
1.90 kb
14: On the other side
1.89 kb
15: Inside
1.88 kb
16: Dinkdonkdink
1.89 kb
17: Switch on
1.89 kb
18: On the loose
1.88 kb
19: Plate and mails
1.90 kb
20: Powderbox
1.89 kb
21: Alien arithmetic
1.88 kb
22: Done with hex
1.88 kb
23: Neck ring
1.89 kb
24: Blank plate
1.88 kb
25: Color codes solved
1.91 kb
26: Got number box
1.88 kb
27: Ice City
1.90 kb
28: Labyrinth
1.91 kb
29: Color City
1.91 kb
30: Third place
1.90 kb
31: Seat for humans
1.90 kb
32: Back
1.90 kb
33: Giant drop
1.91 kb
34: Have a cigar!
1.93 kb
35: After stage
1.93 kb
36: Through code door
1.93 kb
37: Clamps for door
1.93 kb
38: Wrong oil
1.92 kb
39: Before drop
1.90 kb
40: Oil ready
1.94 kb
41: Bridge extended
1.94 kb
42: Alien cable
1.93 kb
43: Hmmm…
1.94 kb
44: Stairs are ready
1.94 kb
45: Got human pyramid
1.93 kb
46: Magnetic card
1.94 kb
47: Got Falstaff
1.95 kb
48: New room
1.95 kb
49: Area for humans
1.95 kb
50: Prism
1.95 kb
51: Bomb with prism
1.95 kb
52: Prism solved
1.96 kb
53: Octospiders left
1.97 kb
54: Read vidmail
1.96 kb
55: Another puzzle
1.97 kb
56: New crystals
1.97 kb
57: Found new crystal
1.97 kb
58: Further
1.97 kb
59: Trophy room
1.96 kb
60: Cheated countdown
1.97 kb
61: Savegame 61
1.97 kb
62: Down spikes
1.97 kb
63: Falstaff
1.96 kb
64: Hand laser?
1.96 kb
65: Another counter
1.96 kb
66: Up again
1.96 kb
67: Lifeform
1.96 kb
68: Savegame 68
1.97 kb
69: Savegame 69
1.97 kb
70: Have some meat
1.96 kb
71: Have more code
1.97 kb
72: 41434753?
1.97 kb
73: Even more code
1.97 kb
74: Savegame 74
1.97 kb
75: Yes!
1.95 kb
Download all the savegames
File size : 101 kb

About the savegames

Default folder : -
Language : English
Difficulty level : By default
Version of the game : Retail
Third party software : -
Partners: Abandonware France - Chordian -

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