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Red Faction [Set #2]
Cette page en Français   Genre : First Person Shooter  
Last update: 10/30/2012   Year : 2001  
Source: Chordian  Franchise : Red Faction  


1: Start
83.1 kb
2: Hendrix
80.8 kb
3: Docking Bay 2
33.9 kb
4: Sniper Rifle
214 kb
5: Submarine
23.5 kb
6: Suit
76.1 kb
7: Going for Gryphon
86.1 kb
8: L Bay with Gryphon
87.9 kb
9: Maint Bot Destroyed
179 kb
10: Doctor Parker
198 kb
11: Need Passcard
178 kb
12: Capek Ran Away
193 kb
13: Cave with Critters
37.5 kb
14: Pet the Animals
19.5 kb
15: Shot Giant Worm
79.7 kb
16: Medkits Please
165 kb
17: Capek 2nd Time
192 kb
18: Killed Capek
191 kb
19: After Jeep Ride
82.0 kb
20: Back Inside
81.5 kb
21: Satellites Done
85.8 kb
22: Airlock
134 kb
23: After Subway Ride
199 kb
24: 30 Secs to Launch
171 kb
25: Countdown Start
113 kb
26: Shuttle Took Off
172 kb
27: Reactor Countdown
174 kb
28: Shot 8 Computers
169 kb
29: Lower Section Open
128 kb
30: Reactor Countdown
148 kb
31: Escape Pod Landed
76.3 kb
32: More Caves
61.7 kb
33: Fusion Launcher
51.2 kb
34: Escaping Prison
28.0 kb
35: Clear Way for Hendrix
121 kb
36: Hendrix Dead
54.9 kb
37: Fusion Again
54.9 kb
38: Flying Aesir
29.2 kb
39: Queen Bitsch
31.0 kb
40: Bitsch Dead
32.0 kb
41: Simon Game
91.7 kb
Download all the savegames
File size : 4.47 Mb

About the savegames

Default folder : Red Faction\savegame\
Language : English
Difficulty level : Medium
Version of the game : 1.20
Third party software : -
Partners: Abandonware France - Chordian -

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