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Catalog *.* 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Cette page en Français   Genre : Adventure  
Last update: 05/11/2019   Year : 2017  
Source: PC Savegames  Franchise : - 


1: Up above the beach
1.38 kb
2: Fox statues activated
1.46 kb
3: Following the fox
1.48 kb
4: A new costume
1.53 kb
5: Firts use of a golden key
1.69 kb
6: Shouting to a big glowing green sphere
1.75 kb
7: The second golden key
1.71 kb
8: The giant red-leaf tree
1.75 kb
9: A new stair
1.73 kb
10: The great tower
1.76 kb
11: The labyrinth
1.80 kb
12: The salted lake
1.58 kb
13: The balcony
1.68 kb
14: Aerial threat
1.70 kb
15: Golden key of the red windmill
1.79 kb
16: Red windmill solved
1.76 kb
17: First golden key of the blue windmill
1.87 kb
18: Second golden key of the blue windmill
1.88 kb
19: To the blue windmill
1.83 kb
20: To the white windmill
1.89 kb
21: Last windmill activated
1.92 kb
22: Giant bird almost defeated
2.00 kb
23: Escape from the giant bird
2.01 kb
24: After a new dream sequence
1.80 kb
25: The fourth keyhole
1.78 kb
26: The fifth keyhole
1.92 kb
27: Death of a Sentinel
1.95 kb
28: Watering the tree
1.98 kb
29: Spirit of the Sentinel
2.00 kb
30: The factory
2.03 kb
31: Activation of the factory
2.09 kb
32: Robots in the rain
1.90 kb
33: The last sentinel
2.03 kb
34: The black child statue
2.12 kb
35: Back to normal form
2.12 kb
36: End 1
2.04 kb
37: Level choice
2.13 kb
38: End 2
2.06 kb
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File size : 50.2 kb

About the savegames

Default folder : Users\YOUR_WINDOWS_LOGIN\AppData\Local\SirenGame\S
Language : English
Difficulty level : By default
Version of the game : 1.04
Third party software : Steam
Partners: Abandonware France - Chordian -

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