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Tex Murphy: Overseer
Cette page en Français   Genre : Adventure  
Last update: 01/29/2014   Year : 1997  
Source: Chordian  Franchise : Tex Murphy  


1: Just started
947 bytes
2: Sylvia just left
1002 bytes
3: Her father's house
1006 bytes
4: Solved the dominoes puzzle
1.06 kb
5: Checking stuff out
1.10 kb
6: Got the envelope
1.10 kb
7: Warehouse
1.10 kb
8: Checking stuff out
1.19 kb
9: Capricorn is next
1.21 kb
10: Need a password
1.26 kb
11: Password was BISHOP
1.26 kb
12: Got the photo
1.27 kb
13: Anasazi ruin is next
1.31 kb
14: In the ruins
1.33 kb
15: Cog puzzle
1.35 kb
16: Brick puzzle
1.36 kb
17: In the corridor
1.37 kb
18: Through the wall
1.37 kb
19: In the lab
1.36 kb
20: Used password CHECKMATE
1.41 kb
21: Got Frank Schimming's number
1.43 kb
22: Gideon's house is next
1.44 kb
23: Just arrived
1.44 kb
24: Got Passcard A
1.45 kb
25: Got the code QXD7
1.48 kb
26: Just left the Chess Shop
1.49 kb
27: Sonny is dead
1.49 kb
28: Just arrived
1.48 kb
29: Searching his apartment
1.51 kb
30: Slade answered his phone
1.50 kb
31: And now he took his jacket
1.52 kb
32: Opened Slade's bag
1.53 kb
33: I have Slade's hit list
1.56 kb
34: Decoded the note
1.60 kb
35: Just arrived
1.59 kb
36: The guard has been drugged
1.61 kb
37: Just arrived
1.70 kb
38: Got Robert's CD
1.70 kb
39: Tex was injected with
1.72 kb
40: Just arrived
1.71 kb
41: Checking stuff out
1.73 kb
42: Gas is leaking
1.75 kb
43: Got the coat and hat
1.76 kb
44: There's a call
1.74 kb
45: Back again
1.72 kb
46: Got the word NEXUS
1.74 kb
47: Just arrived
1.75 kb
48: Checking stuff out
1.77 kb
49: Implant gone and Larry left
1.77 kb
50: Back again
1.76 kb
51: Checking stuff out
1.78 kb
52: Just arrived
1.77 kb
53: Got the 7th passcard
1.81 kb
54: Vidphone is ringing
1.82 kb
55: Just arrived
1.82 kb
56: Ready to go
1.81 kb
57: Just arrived
1.81 kb
58: Checking stuff out
1.86 kb
59: Chess puzzle completed
1.85 kb
60: Just arrived
1.83 kb
61: On the walls
1.84 kb
62: Security panel
1.84 kb
63: Charged floor
1.85 kb
64: Past the charged floor
1.84 kb
65: Just arrived
1.84 kb
66: Unlocked the door
1.84 kb
67: Solved a jigsaw puzzle
1.94 kb
68: Just arrived
1.93 kb
69: Checking stuff out
1.94 kb
70: Got the blue security card
1.95 kb
71: Leaving
1.93 kb
72: Just arrived
1.92 kb
73: Through the wall
1.99 kb
74: Got out
2.00 kb
75: Droid just passed by
2.02 kb
76: In the next cell block
2.01 kb
77: And the next cell block
2.02 kb
78: Got another key
2.02 kb
79: Next cell block
2.02 kb
80: A maintenance droid just left
2.03 kb
81: Cell door box
2.03 kb
82: Found explosives
2.06 kb
83: Back with that annoying droid
2.07 kb
84: Made a gas bomb
2.05 kb
85: Dirty air filter
2.04 kb
Download all the savegames
File size : 97.5 kb

About the savegames

Default folder : Overseer\games\
Language : English
Difficulty level : -
Version of the game : Retail
Third party software : -
Partners: Abandonware France - Chordian -

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