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The Elder Scrolls Adventures: Redguard
Cette page en Français   Genre : Action  
Last update: 05/10/2014   Year : 1998  
Source: Chordian  Franchise : The Elder Scrolls  


1: Start
143 kb
2: Draggin tale
190 kb
3: Got a map
290 kb
4: Isle of N'Gasta
224 kb
5: Have the amulet
345 kb
6: Prison
303 kb
7: Catacombs
322 kb
8: Catacombs
443 kb
9: Back in town
430 kb
10: League Insignia
439 kb
11: Observatory
359 kb
12: Dwarven ruins
393 kb
13: League hideout
473 kb
14: Beetle room
396 kb
15: Steam pipes
518 kb
16: Dwarven boss
453 kb
17: Stones placed
528 kb
18: Goblin caverns
459 kb
19: Back from hideout
590 kb
20: Doorway
479 kb
21: Goblin king
474 kb
22: Voa's ring
580 kb
23: I'm a rat
588 kb
24: I'm a rat
443 kb
25: Jail as gremlin
487 kb
26: Out of jail
597 kb
27: Flask of Lillandril
605 kb
28: N'Gasta's tower
489 kb
29: Confronting N'Gasta
502 kb
30: Through portal
496 kb
31: Saved Iszara
607 kb
32: Catacombs again
549 kb
33: Dram
521 kb
34: Dragon
553 kb
35: Defeated the dragon
616 kb
36: Prince in the sword
506 kb
37: Right on
520 kb
Download all the savegames
File size : 17.6 Mb

About the savegames

Default folder : REDGUARD\SAVEGAME\
Language : English
Difficulty level : -
Version of the game : 3Dfx version
Third party software : -
Partners: Abandonware France - Chordian -

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