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The Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the Serrated Scalpel
Cette page en Français   Genre : Adventure  
Last update: 03/12/2005   Year : 1992  
Source: PC Savegames  Franchise : Sherlock Holmes  


1: 221b Baker Street
7.69 kb
2: The Regency Theater
7.69 kb
3: The lodge
7.69 kb
4: Belle's Parfumerie
7.69 kb
5: Sarah Carroway's flat
7.69 kb
6: Back to the Regency Theater
7.69 kb
7: Southwark Morgue
7.69 kb
8: Analysis of the white powder
7.69 kb
9: South Kensington rugby yard
7.69 kb
10: Scotland Yard
7.69 kb
11: Back to the morgue
7.69 kb
12: Back again to the Regency Theater
7.69 kb
13: Analysis of the flower
7.69 kb
14: Chancery Opera House
7.69 kb
15: Anna Carroway's lodge
7.69 kb
16: Eaton dormitory
7.69 kb
17: Covent Garden
7.69 kb
18: Ms Rosa
7.69 kb
19: Moongate Pub
7.69 kb
20: Hattington Street chemist's
7.69 kb
21: The picnic park
7.69 kb
22: Eddington equestrian shop
7.69 kb
23: Lord Brumwell's mansion
7.69 kb
24: St Bernard playroom
7.69 kb
25: Antonio Caruso's flat
7.69 kb
26: Anna Carroway's flat
7.69 kb
27: Anna Carroway's room
7.69 kb
28: Jacob Farthington's offices
7.69 kb
29: Bradley tobacco shop
7.69 kb
30: Oxford Taxidermy
7.69 kb
31: Toby, Old Sherman's finest bloodhound
6.12 kb
32: Surrey docks
6.12 kb
33: After Blackwood's arrest
6.12 kb
34: Bow Street police station
6.12 kb
35: Jaimeson the pawnbroker
6.12 kb
36: Moorehead and Gardner, detectives agency
6.12 kb
37: London zoo
6.12 kb
38: The zookeeper
6.12 kb
39: Simon Kingsley's flat
6.12 kb
40: Back to the zoo
6.12 kb
41: Back to the detectives agency
6.12 kb
42: After Robert Hunt's arrest
6.12 kb
43: Moorehead's offices
6.12 kb
44: Back to Brumwell's manor
6.12 kb
45: Meeting with Lord Brumwell
6.12 kb
46: Robert Hunt's flat
6.12 kb
47: Back to Nigel Jaimeson's shop
6.12 kb
48: Ms Rosa
6.12 kb
49: Savoy Street dock
6.12 kb
Download all the savegames
File size : 14.9 kb

About the savegames

Default folder : Holmes\
Language : English
Difficulty level : By default
Version of the game : Retail
Third party software : DOSBox
Partners: Abandonware France - Chordian -

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