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The Pandora Directive
Cette page en Français   Genre : Adventure  
Last update: 01/28/2014   Year : 1996  
Source: Chordian  Franchise : Tex Murphy  


1: Still starting
1007 bytes
2: Just hit the street
1.01 kb
3: About to go to apartment A
1.01 kb
4: Just woke up in apartment A
1.06 kb
5: In the sewers
1.15 kb
6: Just got a key
1.17 kb
7: Got another key
1.20 kb
8: Found some stuff in a crate at the warehouse
1.25 kb
9: Lost the scarf
1.21 kb
10: Got a note from Emily
1.21 kb
11: Assembled the note
1.81 kb
12: Arrived at the cabin
1.84 kb
13: Just watched the alien movie
1.84 kb
14: Where Rusty lived
1.82 kb
15: Meeting with the reporter
1.86 kb
16: Someone just jumped off the water tower
1.87 kb
17: Hacked the save file
1.96 kb
18: In Autotech
1.90 kb
19: Trying to catch the killer
1.94 kb
20: Killer on the roof
1.94 kb
21: Back in the office
1.92 kb
22: Talked to Emily and Gus
1.94 kb
23: Grabbed the box
1.95 kb
24: Answer wisely here or you will just get shot
1.98 kb
25: Regan just left my office
1.96 kb
26: Talking to the old lady
1.98 kb
27: Malloy is dead and I have to recover the box from NSA
2.02 kb
28: At the morgue
1.98 kb
29: Got the first puzzle box again
2.03 kb
30: Opened safe
2.04 kb
31: Got the second puzzle box
2.08 kb
32: Opened the second puzzle box
2.08 kb
33: Also opened the first puzzle box
2.09 kb
34: Just talked with the nerd editor
2.08 kb
35: Just arrived at Roswell
2.06 kb
36: Laser field
2.10 kb
37: Other side of laser field
2.08 kb
38: Blew the door open with dynamite
2.10 kb
39: Inside the facility
2.11 kb
40: Searching
2.12 kb
41: Timed sequence
2.20 kb
42: Energy being has reached the generator
2.17 kb
43: The energy being has been imprisoned
2.16 kb
44: Abductor got two things
2.14 kb
45: Dropped the C4 in the shaft
2.14 kb
46: Welded my way through a door
2.13 kb
47: Got item #186
2.17 kb
48: An alarm has gone off when visiting Elijah
2.18 kb
49: Opened the third puzzle box
2.20 kb
50: Opened the fourth puzzle box
2.18 kb
51: Inside the Mayan temple
2.15 kb
52: Assembled the altar map
2.15 kb
53: Second altar room
2.18 kb
54: Army of wasps
2.19 kb
55: Third altar puzzle solved
2.20 kb
56: Dagger altar puzzle solved
2.20 kb
57: Fell into a new chamber and met Regan
2.20 kb
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File size : 79.8 kb

About the savegames

Default folder : PANDORA\GAMES\
Language : English
Difficulty level : Entertainment Mode
Version of the game : Retail
Third party software : DOSBox
Partners: Abandonware France - Chordian -

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