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Unreal [Set #2]
Cette page en Français   Genre : First Person Shooter  
Last update: 09/15/2013   Year : 1998  
Source: Chordian  Franchise : Unreal  


1: Vortex Rikers
2: Nyleve's Falls
1.01 Mb
3: Prajigar Mine
1.48 Mb
4: Depths of Prajigar
5: Sacred Passage
323 kb
6: Chizra - Nali Water God Temple
1.51 Mb
7: The Ceremonial Chambers
8: Dark Arena
9: Harobed Village
682 kb
10: Terraniux Underground
376 kb
11: Terraniux
12: Noork's Elbow
327 kb
13: Temple of Vandora
1.61 Mb
14: The Trench
221 kb
15: ISV-Kran Deck 4
547 kb
16: ISV-Kran Decks 3 and 2
1.67 Mb
17: ISV-Kran Deck 1
925 kb
18: Spire Village
286 kb
19: The Sunspire
1.37 Mb
20: Gateway to Na Pali
586 kb
21: Na Pali Haven
1.46 Mb
22: Outpost
1.16 Mb
23: Velora Pass
24: Bluff Eversmoking
2.04 Mb
25: Dasa Mountain Pass
26: Cellars at Dasa Pass
1.33 Mb
27: Serpent Canyon
28: Nali Castle
1.49 Mb
29: Demonlord's Lair
246 kb
30: Demoncrater
496 kb
31: MotherShip Basement
32: MotherShip Lab
866 kb
33: MotherShip Core
660 kb
34: Skaarj Generator
125 kb
35: Illumination
36: The Darkening
808 kb
37: The Source Antechamber
296 kb
38: The Source
490 kb
Download all the savegames
File size : 31.7 Mb

About the savegames

Default folder : Unreal\Save\
Language : English
Difficulty level : -
Version of the game : Retail
Third party software : -
Partners: Abandonware France - Chordian -

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